Solemen’s programs for people with mental illness consist of undertaking assessment, providing medication, rehabilitating, and reintegrating those who may have been primitively chained and caged by families unable to provide alternative solutions. We also provide the family and community with necessary information and training on how to support family members with mental illness. Although we often work on a shoestring budget, we tried our best not to turn anyone away in genuine need of assistance. Thank you to our donors and supporters.We can help them because you help us. If you wish to support Solemen’s Program for those in need in Bali please donate : #ngo #helpinghands #donations #givingback #nonprofitorganization #goodcause #charity #makingadifference #socialimpact #fundraising #nonprofitorganizations #corporatesocialresponsibility #helpthepoor #nonprofitorg #donors #zerohungergeneration #zerohunger2030 #zerohungerworld #sustainability #endpoverty #sustainabledevelopment #feedthehungry #changemakers #endhunger #zerohunger #nonprofit #zerohungerhero #solemen #solemenindonesia #bali